Thursday, November 17, 2011


The existence of slums in large cities around the world can cause problems for human populations due to increased population, poor sanitation, and deadly diseases.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Final Draft.

Clarissa Garza

Ms. Jaegar

World Geography 5

8 November 2011
 Focusing on a Ruthless Changing World
Various amount of people sense that slums are cooperative because you can survive there with only one dollar, but slums consist of deprived life styles. Slums are a squalid overcrowded urban street, or district inhabited by unfortunate people. The entire slums population has limited access to water, basic sanitation, and health services. Additionally, slums inhabit a lot of people; sometimes six people dwell in only one room. Quality of life is the main predicament within slums, because poor life styles eventually lead to death. The existence of slums in large cities around the world can cause problems for human populations due to increased population, poor sanitation, and deadly diseases.
Slums are typically located in areas in Africa; the majority of them are drastically overcrowded. One slum, in large cities generally occupies about twelve point four million inhabitants. “Urbanization is the increase in area or population of a city or town, and the process by which a rural area becomes a large population center." (2011 1) Many individuals live in one, petite room which makes their surroundings equivalent to less space to move freely. An overcrowded population in slums can cause lack of resources to spread around evenly, which can also lead to mortality. Nonetheless, slums not only are overcrowded, but they as well have incredibly miserable sanitation habits.
Furthermore, another reason why slums instigate problems for human populations is due to filthy or poor sanitation. Uncivilized sanitation only makes matters worse for people who settle in slums. "What she wants me to see is the key challenge of her life in Kiberia: basic sanitation." (Fink 2) This evidence shows that the main challenge for inhabitants subsisting in slums is their fundamental sanitation. Poor sanitation and lack of water, offer people that are living in slums a challenging life. As a result, the lack of water or contact with vulgar water leads to the presence of water-borne diseases throughout the slum.
Consequently, the final reason why slums cause problems to human populations is the foremost issue of disease; which are easily spread to young children. "The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller, or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash." (Eaves 4) Once a person in controlled with a disease; the danger of it being spread is the crisis for human populations. Kids usually wander through slums, and they are a key hideout for diseases because their immune systems are fragile. In conclusion, the risk and threat of many disease are located in slums, and that can most evidently cause problems for human populations.
Living in a slum is not a satisfaction today, and subsisting in a slum can cause a negative consequence towards anybodies health. Slums offer a negative effect towards human populations due to overcrowded-ness, poor sanitation, and deadly diseases. Nobody, not even an animal would be ecstatic to live surrounded by filth and sickness. With that, slums generally do not offer people to live up to a high life expectancy. All in all, life in a slum can be very complex to get used to if you ever live there, and living in one can cause emotional and physical breakdowns. Everybody from now on, should be appreciative for what they have today, and not complain because there are worse case scenarios out in the world.

Works Cited

Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011

Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept. 2011.

Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 29 Sept.

“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a Changing World.”  29 Sept. 2011.